Titanfall in Ultra HD – powered by Nvidia Geforce GTX Titan (Clip)

Want to enjoy gaming blockbuster „Titanfall“ in Ultra HD? The development team of Respawn Entertainment is one step closer to this dream. Nvidia visited the staff of the Xbox / PC exclusive, and had several crates of Titan GTX graphics cards and Nvidia’s Shield gaming handhelds with them. Each employee received one of the highly demanded high-end graphics cards and Shield consoles and is now able to enjoy Titanfall in 4K resolution.

Drew McCoy, Producer at Respawn Entertainment:

… recently we got a 4k monitor here in the studio and I had the great pleasure of playing Titanfall in 4K on a Titan GPU and it was gorgeous -like…  it was unbelievable, it’s a whole new experience.

An early Christmas and the perfect opportunity for the development team to make Titanfall 4K-ready. Although the joy was very big over one of the world’s most powerful single-GPU graphics cards, its expected to emerge soon into frustration. At Respawn Entertainment , the 4K-capable monitors are not around like chocolate Santas. In the next few weeks there will be fights about who will get his hands on the popular Ultra HD monitor. A youtube-clip of the visit is attached to this post.

Source: pcgames.de

Dominic Jahn
Dominic Jahn
Couch-Streamer, TV-Umschalter & Genuss-Cineast. Am liebsten im Originalton, gerne auch in 3D! Paypal-Spende für die 4KFilme-Kaffeekasse
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