Sony: Peinlicher Moment auf der CES 2013 – OLED Ultra HD TV streikt – Video

Las Vegas – Kazuo Hirai, Sonys CEO wird diese Präsentation sicherlich nicht so schnell vergessen. Die Gerüchte bestätigten sich und Sony präsentierte den weltweit ersten Prototypen eines Ultra HD Fernsehers mit OLED-Technik (Organic Light Emitting Diodes). Dieser versagte jedoch, da der angeschlossene PC einen Fehler verursachte.

„Dieser revolutionäre Fernseher kombiniert das weltgrößte OLED Display mit leuchtender 4K-Auflösung und diesen schönen Interfaces“, sprach Hirai, drehte sich zum Fernseher und sah… NICHTS – einen schwarzen Bildschirm. Das Publikum lacht, doch Hirai setzte die Präsentation fort…

Als er dann nochmals auf den 56 Zoll OLED-Ultra-HD-Fernseher eingehen möchte, gibt es immer noch kein Bild. Das fällt dem CEO nur noch „Excellent“ ein.

Wie dem auch sei, Sony darf sich rühmen, den ersten Prototypen vorgestellt zu haben, der die beiden Fernseh-Technologien der Zukunft verbindet.



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Sony develops the World’s First and Largest “56-inch 4K OLED TV” Prototype to be exhibited at 2013 International CES

by Communications 01/07/2013

Tokyo, Japan – January 7, 2013 – Sony Corporation (“Sony”) announced today that it has developed the first 4K (3840 x 2160) OLED (organic light-emitting diode) television. To demonstrate its latest achievement, Sony will display a 56-inch prototype at The International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The world’s first and largest* 56-inch OLED TV achieves 4K resolution by using the latest oxide semiconductor TFTs and Sony’s own ‘Super Top Emission’ technologies.

Up until now, in order to force light through the OLED layer, OLED TVs used low-temperature polysilicon (LTPS) thin-film transistors (TFTs). However, there were some challenges inherent in the manufacture of large OLED displays.

Using oxide semiconductor TFTs Sony has been able to produce this new larger display. The new OLED component’s structure also incorporates Sony’s own ‘Super Top Emission’ technology, which has been successfully incorporated in other products already introduced into the market. This ‘Super Top Emission’ technology has a high aperture ratio and enables light to be extracted efficiently from the structure’s OLED layer. By combining two Sony developed technologies, Sony has been able to overcome some of these challenges. This prototype delivers all of the features expected from OLED TVs, such as high contrast, brightness, rapid video image response time and rich images produced even at wide viewing angles, all packaged in a large 4K resolution panel.

The OLED panel used in this prototype 4K OLED TV on display at the exhibition was jointly developed with Taiwanese company AU Optronics Corp. (AUO)

Sony has long been actively involved in the product development and mass production of OLED displays. Beginning with the release of the world’s first 11-inch OLED television in 2007, Sony went on to release 17” and 25” monitors for professional applications in 2011. On the research and development front, Sony has given presentations on the results of its research in process (manufacturing) technologies for mid and large-sized panels as well as presenting research findings on oxide semiconductor TFTs and flexible organic TFTs. Sony is also actively working on next-generation OLED technologies.

Sony will continue to research OLED technology with the goal of commercializing its new 4K OLED televisions, as well as launch 4K LCD TVs like the BRAVIAs exhibited at CES2013. From filming to editing, content creation, delivery, distribution and display devices, Sony is making its unique new 4K imaging experience available to users in a wide variety of ways.

Technological specifications of the exhibited 4K OLED TV prototype

Panel size  :  56-inch

Number of pixels  :  3,840 x 2,160

Display elements  :  OLED (organic light-emitting diode)

Drive circuit  :  Oxide semiconductor TFT

Special structural characteristics  :  Super Top Emission

Other Characteristics  :  undisclosed


Dominic Jahn
Dominic Jahn
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